Frequently Asked Questions…….
Our service links people to suitable volunteer positions in the community sector. However, it can be daunting if you have never volunteered not knowing what you want to do and how to find a position that you would like.
Volunteers can come from all walks of life who want to participate in their local communities. These people want to make a difference regardless of their education, cultural background, religion, knowledge and skills. To them it is a choice about helping not-for-profit community organisations to create a positive change within the community.
You need to ask yourself the following questions about volunteering…
- Why do I want to volunteer?
- What days do I have free to volunteer?
- How much time can I give to volunteering?
- How can volunteering fit in with my other commitments?
- What type of role would I like to undertake?
- Do I know what community sector I would like to volunteer in, i.e., Aged Care, Disability, Mental Health, Homelessness
What if I don’t have the necessary skills?
Most not-for-profit organisations provide on-the-job training for volunteers so they feel confident in working within the community sector they are volunteering in. These organisations can also access external training when specific skills or knowledge are required.
How do I access training to assist me in gaining skills for my volunteer role?
Our service offers everyone, that is, volunteers, paid workers or a member of the community; there is no limit as to who can attend our training sessions. It is presented by professional and accredited trainers who consistently update their knowledge through research and current trends. Go to our Training page to find out what is available.
Once I have decided on what I want to do, can you find me a volunteer position to suit my needs and commitment?
Everybody’s needs are different and we will try to accommodate as many of them as we can. This is done on the initial contact with our service where we will ask:
- what role you want to do;
- what suburb you live in;
- what your availability is; and
- how you will be able to travel to your volunteer position, e.g., public transport or self-drive.
We will endeavour to find a suitable position in the role you wish to do with close proximity of where you live. This makes it easier for you to fulfill your volunteer commitment.
Things to remember about volunteering….
- It’s always a matter of choice;
- It’s only takes place in the not-for-profit sector;
- It’s about participating in the community;
- It’s unpaid; and
- It creates positive change.